Matthew O'Brien , PhD
I am a junior faculty member in the UI Stead Family Department of Pediatrics in the Carver College of Medicine, but have an established record in clinical, teaching, and research work. My background and training, including predoctoral internship and post-doctoral fellowship, is in neurobehavioral psychology with a specialty in working with individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities. As a clinician, I have directed clinics focused on neurobehavioral assessment and treatment of severe and challenging behavior for more than 10 years. As an educator, I have supervised more than 70 graduate students from psychology, education, and medicine training programs in clinical experiences (e.g., practicum, internship or post-doctoral fellowship). I also teach courses in both the Carver College of Medicine and the UI College of Education, with a focus on behavioral assessment and treatment and have provided guest lectures for training programs in the graduate college and resident training program. With regards to research, I consider myself to be relatively early in my career, but I have experience contributing to several large research grants and recently served as the Co-Principal Investigator on an NIH-funded R01 research grant studying behavioral assessment and treatment of challenging behavior in young children with autism. In this role, I led a multi-site study involving more than 20 research team members and nearly 180 participants. Many of my publications have been a result of this work and our research team remains highly active in publishing.