Hawk-IDDRC Grants Club
The Hawk-IDDRC is sponsoring a Grants Club for any member or collaborator to submit an upcoming proposal for feedback. Each third Wednesday of the month at noon we will meet to discuss one grant, specific aims page, letter of intent, research strategy, an outline of ideas, etc., for any funding mechanism. Trainees, faculty, and staff at all levels are invited to participate. We ask that materials be sent to Paula O’Brien (paula-obrien@uiowa.edu) to be circulated to the group one week in advance. We encourage everyone to come prepared to discuss feedback (written feedback also welcome). Meetings will be loosely modeled after study section with all participants as reviewers discussing strengths and weaknesses, but the PI is encouraged to join the discussion for clarification and elaboration.
Meetings will be held in Carver Biomedical Research Building. Lunch will be served (RSVP required).
Please email sarah-ferri@uiowa.edu for any questions or to request a date.
INSPIRE Fellowship
The Iowa Neuroscience Specialty Program in Research Education (INSPIRE) has seven post-doctoral training positions within the University of Iowa’s Department of Psychiatry. The two-year fellowship program, funded by the National Institutes of Health, is designed to train fellows who are dedicated to a career in neuroscience research. Fellows have the opportunity to work alongside a University of Iowa senior investigator based on their research interest.
Development-Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship
A three-year, ACGME-accredited fellowship provides exceptional clinical and research training necessary to become capable, independent developmental-behavioral pediatricians who are ready to pursue careers in academic medicine. You will receive a broad clinical experience in all areas related to developmental and behavioral pediatrics. Participation in our interdisciplinary Leadership in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) program is a strength of our program, as is our NIH-funded research.