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Research Cores
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Four research cores facilitate interdisciplinary and translational research within the Hawk-IDDRC and provide state-of-the-art services:
A) the Administrative Core integrates and manages the core resources and prioritizes efforts within the Center, while supporting research, dissemination and education;
B) the Clinical Translational Core supports truly translational science by applying basic science discoveries into clinical settings, and streamlining patient recruitment, biobanking of patient samples, patient phenotyping, treatment development, and clinical trials across the lifespan;
C) the Developmental Genomic/Epigenetics Core examines both intrinsic genetic variation through RNA/exome/whole genome sequencing and the possible effects of extrinsic risk markers on epigenetic processes; and
D) the Neurocircuitry and Behavior Core assesses both animal and human neural circuit development and functioning, electrophysiology and behavior.
A rigorous scientific review plan ensures that proposed projects are high quality and likely to achieve stated goals, while also encouraging higher risk and more innovative study proposals. This includes mentorship teams involving Core Directors, the monthly Hawk-IDDRC Seminar Series in which proposed projects will be presented and discussed, and Pilot Grant programs.