Kelly Schieltz, PhD
I am a licensed psychologist and board certified behavior analyst who specializes in the assessment and treatment of severe challenging behaviors displayed by individuals with developmental disabilities. With over 15 years of experience in applied behavior analysis, I currently direct an outpatient clinic that focuses on addressing the challenging behavior needs of children with and without developmental disabilities. My programmatic areas of research span the applied/clinical and translational areas of the research continuum. My primary applied/clinical area of research is on training parents in their homes on behavior analytic procedures in-vivo and via telehealth. My primary translational area of research is on evaluating behavioral persistence of adaptive behaviors (i.e., communication, academic responding) and treatment relapse when treatment is disrupted. Across both research areas, the goal is to improve the behavioral outcomes of children with developmental disabilities. In the last year, I have published 5 articles and 2 book chapters, and presented 27 times to national and international audiences on telehealth and behavioral persistence. I am currently a Co-I for a NIH grant focused on the behavioral persistence of communication, and I serve as an expert panel consultant for an NIH grant focused on behavioral interventions via telehealth for opioid-exposed children.