Bengi Baran, PhD
The overarching goal of my research program is to identify sleep-related biomarkers of neurodevelopmental/neuropsychiatric disorders. A major theme in my laboratory is the investigation of the developmental trajectory of neural circuitry that give rise to cognitive and emotional deficits and play a causal role in the emergence of psychosis spectrum disorders. I possess a unique skill set that allows me to exploit multimodal neuroimaging, electrophysiology techniques to investigate sleep and wake functions of neural circuitry involved in cognitive processing and clinical symptoms in developmental and adult populations. I am proficient in structural and functional MRI methods to quantify structural integrity, task-dependent brain activation, and resting-state functional connectivity; high-density EEG analysis of sleep oscillations and wake ERPs; actigraphy and other wearable technologies to characterize sleep/wake activities and circadian rhythmicity; and clinical characterization and diagnostic interviewing. My research program is highly translational and is informed by genetics as well as studies in animal models and cellular preparation.