Benjamin Darbro, MD, PhD

Director: Developmental Genomics/Epigenetics Core
Associate Professor, Pediatrics

My primary research interest is in the genetic determinants of neurodevelopmental disorders, molecular mechanisms of cancer, and how the two seemingly unrelated conditions overlap at a genetic-network level.  I study the roles of both germline and somatic sequence level and structural variations in the context of a “genomic mutational burden” hypothesis of both cancer and neurodevelopmental disorders. This hypothesis is investigated using a combination of conventional cytogenetics methods (chromosome analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization) and new molecular, high throughput, and high data volume, genomic technologies including single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays, gene expression microarrays, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) arrays as well as custom targeted, whole exome, and whole genome massively parallel DNA sequencing. We perform our own bioinformatics and are actively engaged in the development of new analysis tools to better meet our needs and those of the scientific community.

Photo of Ben Darbro
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, NE
Medical Doctorate (M.D.) & Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Molecular & Cellular Biology University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine