Joseph Glykys, MD, PhD
I am a physician-scientist in pediatric neurology with research expertise and interest in neuronal hyperexcitability, neonatal seizures, GABAA receptor physiology mediating phasic and tonic inhibition, and changes in neuronal [Cl-]i and volume during pathological conditions. I have substantial experience and training in neuroscience using electrophysiological techniques (>15 years) and multiphoton imaging (>10 years), and I have published in high-impact journals, including Science, Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, PNAS, and The Journal of Neuroscience.
In my laboratory, I supervise undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students, research assistants, residents, and young faculty in scientific research, electrophysiology, and neuronal imaging techniques. I recently completed my K08 NIH/NINDS award in 2021 and currently have an NIH/NINDS R01 “Water and chloride movement in neurons during seizure activity” (09/30/20-06/30-25), where I am the PI.
As a child neurologist, I have a clinical understanding of various neurological disorders, including epilepsy, neonatal seizures, cytotoxic edema, developmental delays, and the shortcomings of the current treatments. Due to my research and clinical interest in neonatal seizures, I interact and work closely with neonatologists to treat neurological conditions in newborns, especially neonatal seizures. I am part of the Neonatal Neurocritical Care group at The University of Iowa.